Its been eighteen years old I see the world. Meet zillion types of humans out there. Baik jahat nakal sopan. Semua ada. Its been eleven years im wearing my hijab, Alhamdulillah. Even I had to wear hijab since I was seven, abah always masukkan dalam pertandingan pakaian beragam. HAHA. sheeeeet funny gila. Yeah I had no chance to tie my hair to school, iron to make it straight to go to the mall. But Alhamdullilah semua tu lah membentuk diri aku sekarang. Im not saying im a good person. La' . Jauuuh sangat, but jyeah as a human, makin umur meningkat, makin takut kita kan? I do. Aku rasa tanggungjawab makin besar. Tanggungjawab abah and mom dah makin selesai, and im going to prove either berjaya atau tak mereka. Dayumn, its so scary when I keep thinking of it.
Because for me, umur tu menunjukkan pemikiran kita. So I cant think the way I thought when I was fourteen right? Now dah tak boleh suka hati keluar bilik kalau tak pakai tudung elok elok. Eh orang tengok ni cara kita bawa pemakain Islam. Damnn that time I was so stupid and seriously I think Allah bagi semuaa kecemerlangan time tu, sampai kadang-kadang aku lupa. sigh. Whylaah aku tak guna semua tu to make myself better? Yeah Alhamdulillah aku dah tinggalkan zaman tu.
Kenapa Birthday kali ni berbeza gila dari tahun lain? First sebab im online, obviously. Before ni selalu di MRSM and dua tahun berturut time exam AddMaths. So you know, I didnt have the time to chill myself. Then, eventhough this Birthday im not with my family, but its holiday already ! So I wanna go to Amman tomorrow with my beloved friends to spend some money on barang winter, again. Yeahh. But sedih sikit tak dapat skype dengan orang Malaysia. Haih.
Tadi Syakira, bestfriend since Form Two video called me and played gitar Aishiteru :') You're awesome girl ! Thanks to everyone, especially from the phone call :) and 107 wishes on my FB wall. You rock! And the classmates too. Lets buang duit tomorrow !
Till then,
hb girl..